When You Want to Up Your Strength Game, Who Best to Choose?
By Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC We were recently asked a very good question: “I’m opening a small gym and it will be a strength and conditioning facility that will cater to rock climbers, mace and kettlebell enthusiasts. Here is the conundrum RKC? SFG? Both? Or another cert?” To be fair we get that question fairly often. The person asking that question is obviously a very thoughtful athlete and business owner and he wants to make a correct and informed decision. Let me break this down as best I can. John and Pavel started the RKC many years ago – 2001 to be...
Incorporating Kettlebells into Group Class Programing
Read Andrea's article in the May/June 2019 issue of Fitness Trainer magazine: Incorporating Kettlebells into Group Class Programing From General Physical Preparedness to Cueing BY ANDREA DUCANE Some newly certified personal trainers are apprehensive when it comes to programing and leading group fitness classes. Even trainers with more experience can find it daunting faced with a mixed level group class. I’m going to give some straightforward tips on designing effective classes for mixed level classes, as well as how to easily integrate kettlebells into... Read Full Article Online