Why Kettlebell Workouts?
Wondering what the benefits kettlebell workouts have over traditional free-weight workouts? Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC, Director of Certifications, Dragon Door Publications and owner of Kettlebell Fitness, shares her insight on kettlebell workouts. What do you like about kettlebell workouts? Kettlebell workouts are functional and full-body, making them a very efficient tool for all your workout goals. You can spend as little as 10-15 minutes and get a full-body workout. The variety of sizes allows all populations to use them safely and effectively. And because they are relatively small, they don’t take up much space so you can use them in your home or...
Kettlebell Workouts: A completely unique total body workout
A number of years ago I wrote an article for Twin Cities Wellness introducing and explaining Pilates as a fabulous fitness program. I still believe in Pilates and continue to teach classes. I now want to introduce you to a new and completely unique total body workout. That's a tall order, an all-in-one fitness program. It is very rare to run across a completely new and different form of exercise--one that includes strength training, muscular endurance, cardiovascular health and fat loss, in one workout! The Russian kettlebell is a time-tested system of strength and endurance training. I would like to...
The Goddess Workouts
Act it, Live it, Look It, Be It, Feeeeeel It! How to Be Every Inch A Goddess, Look Like An Immortal… And Feel Like Heaven By Andrea Du Cane, Senior RKC I have arranged for These Six Powerful Kettlebell Goddess Workouts to Destroy the Pitiful Earthling in You and Replace it With a Bona Fide Godly Bod. Just DO the darn things and I personally guarantee your results.” —Zeus, Mount Olympus So…which Goddess do you want to be today? There is finally a simple way to become the Goddess you’ve always wanted to be. My Kettlebell Goddess Workout DVD helps you...
The Single Rep Dead Stop Swing, Clean, Snatch Workout
As I travel around teaching HKC and RKC’s, I notice a common problem (theme – challenge), the sloppy start/stop of a Kettlebell ballistic lift. Imagine this scenario: someone is getting set up to swing; it doesn’t matter if it’s 2-handed, single arm or double. They get over the Kettlebell, lift it up, and rock it back a couple of times between their legs and THEN swing it back far enough to load their hips and explode up. What’s wrong with this picture? The set-up was not correct, was not focused nor was it properly executed. There must be an intention and...
The Deadlift Row With Andrea Du Cane
I hope you enjoyed my last post and video on the low or pendulum swing. The second exercise I came up with during my knee re-hab was the kettlebell deadlift row. This is an incredible back and lower body exercise that again anyone can do. It follows the deadlift/hinge pattern, the key to a lower body killer workout is to keep the shins as vertical as possible and yet drop your hips down as low as possible. This exercise really targets the mid-back muscles, like the hard to strengthen Rhomboids, as well as lower trap, lats, triceps and biceps. The key...
Give Your “Kettlebell Boomer” Clients the Body of Their Dreams
The Safe, Practical - And Highly Effective - Way to Give Your "Kettlebell Boomer” Clients the Golden Body of Their Dreams Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC There are an estimated 77.3 million "Baby Boomers" in the United States. Ranging from middle age to early retirement. Of this group most are still in the work force and earning good money. Some are beginning to retire with fairly secure incomes. Because of the G.I. Bill and the increased interest in higher education, a record number of this generation attended college and attained college and post-graduate degrees. Recent health studies have shown that in...
How to Work with Special Populations as an RKC
Andrea Du Cane, Senior RKC I like to consider myself a movement coach. Most of my clients come to me wanting to learn more than how to swing a hunk of iron. They are coming to me to regain control of their bodies. I am teaching them to breathe, to feel their bodies, how to move, how to use the right muscles for the job, and hopefully get them out of pain. I am giving them a chance to not only change their bodies, but change their lives. As an RKC instructor, it is very important to be able to identify on...