Tag - health & strength

kettlebells workouts

Why Kettlebell Workouts?

Wondering what the benefits kettlebell workouts have over traditional free-weight workouts? Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC, Director of Certifications, Dragon Door Publications and owner of Kettlebell Fitness, shares her insight on kettlebell workouts. What do you like about kettlebell workouts? Kettlebell workouts are functional and full-body, making them a very efficient tool for all your workout goals. You can spend as little as 10-15 minutes and get a full-body workout. The variety of sizes allows all populations to use them safely and effectively. And because they are relatively small, they don’t take up much space so you can use them in your home or...


Why the Single-Leg Dead Lift Should Be One Of Your Go-To Leg Exercises

Why do I love single-leg deadlifts so much?  Well, for one thing nothing works the butt and legs quite like it.  Add the extra benefit to the back, core, lower legs and feet and you have a full body exercise.  As Gray Cook likes to say, “Maintain your squat and TRAIN your deadlift” – especially the single-leg deadlift. I have to share with you a personal story; I’ve had four Patellar dislocations. Yes, FOUR! The first one happened after a two-hour ballet/pointe class. The second happened in the middle of a jazz dance class. The third happened when my tango...


Interview: Andrea Du Cane on the 2016 Dragon Door Health and Strength Conference

Q & A with Dragon Door Author, Andrea Du Cane about her upcoming presentation at the 2016 Dragon Door Health and Strength Conference Secrets of The Windmill: A Deep Dive into The Athletic Benefits of This Remarkable Yet Under-Utilized Exercise Dragon Door: Why are you a big fan of the windmill, and why do you think we don’t normally hear about this exercise much? Andrea Du Cane: I think it’s not so much that we don’t hear about the exercise, I think that it's misunderstood. I think people tend to not fully understand the purpose of the windmill, its uses, or how to perform...