Tag - special populations

Training Special Populations

Why focus on Special Populations? Let’s discuss the unglamorous fitness market of Special Populations (SP). This large group includes: seniors, de-conditioned, post re-hab and pregnant women. For the purpose of this article I will focus on seniors and de-conditioned populations. Many of us have lots of clients that fit into this category. That’s why it is important to realize we are much more than a personal trainer, we are the first line of defense against life’s effects and lifestyle choices. Our success working with this SP is the ability to safelyand effectivelylead them to a place of health and fitness.I believe the...


How to Work with Special Populations as an RKC

Andrea Du Cane, Senior RKC I like to consider myself a movement coach. Most of my clients come to me wanting to learn more than how to swing a hunk of iron. They are coming to me to regain control of their bodies. I am teaching them to breathe, to feel their bodies, how to move, how to use the right muscles for the job, and hopefully get them out of pain. I am giving them a chance to not only change their bodies, but change their lives. As an RKC instructor, it is very important to be able to identify on...